Ušće Mure u Dravu

ušćeUšće Mure u Dravu je šire područje Međimurja i Podravine, smješteno na sjeverozapadu Hrvatske. Čini ga fizičko ušće rijeka Mure i Drave te zbog neprekidne prirodne cjeline pripadajući pojas obaju rijeka i nekoliko kilometara uzvodno i nizvodno. Veći dio ušća je zaštićeno kao Posebni zoološki rezervat Veliki Pažut. Zbog izuzetnih prirodnih vrijednosti, šire područje Ušća Mure se naziva i Hrvatska Amazona.

Ušće Mure u Dravu je jedno od posljednjih preostalih sačuvanih sustava nizinskih rijeka u Europi. Obje rijeke su uzvodno iznimno izmijenjene regulacijama i hidroelektranama. Ovdje su rijeke, posebice Drava, neregulirane te neprekidno stvaraju nova staništa i obnavljaju postojeća što održava veliku biološku raznolikost.

Područje ušća Mure u Dravu nalazi na sjeveroistočnoj strani Legrada. Zanimljivo da je Legrad prije 1710. godine bio u Međimurju, no Drava je promijenila tok i „premjestila“ ga u Podravinu. Posebni zoološki rezervat Veliki Pažut nalazi se fizički u Međimurju (lijeva obala Drave), no pripada Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji.

Na samom ušću se nalazi poznato izletište Halasz Csarda sa plažom SIP. Članovi Ekološke udruge Legrad postavili su klackalice i ljuljačke, a uredili su i odbojkaško igralište. Legrađani dva puta godišnje organiziraju tradicionalni prijelaz skelom u Mađarsku, do crkvice Sv. Mihela (Mihalja) na vrhu brda. To je nekad bilo područje Hrvatske na kojemu je puno mještana na brdu, odmah uz obalu, imalo vinograde. Legrađani ju i danas vjerno obilaze na blagdan Svete Ane u srpnju i Svetog Mihela u rujnu, prisjećajući se vremena kada je ovo bila njihova crkva.

Do Halasz Csarde vodi biciklistička staza Drava Route koja povezuje Dravu od Legrada do Pitomače. Također na području ušća nalazi se lokacija utvrde Novi Zrin.



The estuary of Mura into Drava is name for a wider area of Međimurje and Podravina, located in northwestern Croatia. It consists of a natural estuary of the rivers and, because of continuous natural complex, belts of both rivers few kilometers upstream and downstream. The biggest part of the estuary is protected as a Special Zoological Reserve named Veliki Pažut. Due to the exceptional natural values, wider area of this estuary is also called Croatian Amazona.

The mouth of Mura is one of the last remaining and preserved lowland river systems in Europe. Both rivers are extremely upstream amended by regulation and hydroelectric power plants. Rivers, especially Drava, are unregulated and continually create new habitats and restore existing which maintains high biological diversity.

The area of this estuary is located on the northeast side of Legrad. It is interesting that Legrad  was part of Međimurje before 1710, but then Drava changed course and "moved" Legrad to Podravina. Special Zoological Reserve Veliki Pažut is located physically in Međimurje (the left bank of the Drava), but belongs to the County of Koprivnica-Križevci.

At this very estuary you can also find well-known excursion site Halasz Csarda with SIP beach. There, members of the Ecological Society Legrad set seesaws and swings as well as also a volleyball court. Inhabitants of Legrad twice annually organize traditional ferry crossing to Hungary, to the church of St. Michael (Mihaly) on top of the hill. That part of Hungary used to be Croatian territory where a lot of locals on the hill, nearby the coast, had vineyards. People from Legrad still faithfully visit Hungary on the feast of St. Anne in July and St. Michael in September, recalling the time when this was their church.

To reach Halasz Csarda, you can also use a bike path called Drava Route that connects Drava from Legrad to Pitomača. Also in the area of ​​the estuary you can find  location of the New Zrin fort.